Sunday, April 16, 2006

Recent Hashes page makeover

We have now made some (but not all) of the suggested mods to the "Recent Hashes" page at In particular, the layout has been slightly cleaned up, and voting links are not presented for images that failed to hash (that is, images in which our algorithm could not automatically register a face).

The page refreshes automatically every 5 minutes, and displayed images are actually thumbnailed, so they load sooner.

At some point we will change the "auto-refreshed at ..." tag into a counting-down timer.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How do you post here?

Anyway, Am not sure if this is what the developers intended for their zetnagole game, but it sure is useful for judging who is a better caricaturist :-) among friends.

My buddy and I decided to "abuse" your game (sorry) and submit snaps of our drawings of your celebs to see who could draw better! I could, of course.

Check out:
