Sunday, April 09, 2006

Poetic error for oversize uploads

Thanks Andrew, for this beauty! You can see this when either a user submits an oversized upload or enters disallowed text in input fields.

Input Unacceptable! Upload Too Large.

A few things 'pon this earth my pages cannot handle
Amongst them images, shot with but one candle
Low-bandwidth tubes, and capricious connections
Disabled Javascript and paranoid protections

Files with forbidden names, Names with funny letters
Photos thou own'st not, those boundeth by legal fetters
Pictures of non-faces, images of bubbly babies
Files that be too small or bigger than 150 KBs

- Thy faithful Zetamaton.

Dudes et dudettes, can someone contribute a similarly flavored poem for when the input image is in a format we don't support? (Currently we can handle gifs, jpegs, bmps, tiffs and most other common formats (see But the odd user inevitably submits non-image data, or some encoding that we don't understand how to convert (using Perl ImageMagick). There's at least one tee-shirt in this for you!


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